Sharing is Caring

many people believed sharing is caring, but for me, I think, SHARING IS SCARING...

Shout Box

(since Nov06)
Hidup-Hidup Di Bakar
Tiba-tiba depan mata
Menjelma kabus kaburi karma
Menghilangkan jejak tapak kehidupanku

Apa yang telah aku bina
Kini lenyap segala maknanya
Membuat ku hilang arah
Luka berdarah
Dan aku dibakar...

Kerna telah terlalu lama
Kita bersama kejar kejora
Ku sangkakan takdir kau dan aku sehala

Jauh sekali tanggapanku
Hilang seri muncul awan kelabu
Merampas segala yang dulu milik aku...
Hidup-hidup dibakar...

Sampai bilakah bila ?
Hidup penuh sengsara
Kau patukkan bisa di mata
Ketuk pahat di dada

Sampai bilakah bila ?
Azab akan terasa
Aku terkurung dalam penjara
Kamar yang kita bina
Dan aku di bakar...

Kerna telah terlalu lama
Kita bersama kejar kejora
Ku sangkakan takdir kau dan aku sehala

Jauh sekali tanggapanku
Hilang seri muncul awan kelabu
Merampas segala yang dulu milik aku...
Hidup-hidup dibakar...
Harapan terbakar
Api membara
Hangus di bakar
Di dalam kamar...
Sunday, July 31, 2005
1. Harga minyak naik lagi.
2. Selamat Hari Pahlawan.
alhamdulillah, siap gak @ 12:00 AM   0 comments
baik punya cilok
Saturday, July 30, 2005

ade sape2 brani cilok filem nie ngan aku?
alhamdulillah, siap gak @ 1:16 PM   0 comments
andai kau pergi
Dikau pernah berkata
Akulah segalanya
Tanpaku tak mungkin kau bahagia

Namun di sebaliknya
Setelah ku percaya
Kau bersikap dinginku terpinga

( korus )
Andai kau pergi

Andai kau pergi
Andai kau pergi
Teranglah arahku
Tolonglah kau pergi
Silakan kau pergi
Andai kau pergi hampir pasti
Berteman jaya sepanjang hayatku

Dengan sepenuh cita
Daku tanam di dada
Dengan harapan terbina istana

Apakah di mindamu
Mengapa kau membisu
Hanya katakan
kau masih menganggu

Ku tak mengerti
Mengapa kau bersikap sebegitu
Kau tahu hatiku
Betapa penuh di dada membencimu

Ku masih tidak mengerti
Ke manakah hilangnya kasihmu
Jiwaku resah dan sepi
Andainya kau tak pergi

lirik ini telah jayanya dirosakkan oleh aku.
aku tujukan kepada sifat malangku...
alhamdulillah, siap gak @ 12:55 PM   0 comments
aku dah kaya?
Friday, July 29, 2005
bobey02: akum
asdi: a'lam...
asdi: ko x pi semayang jumaat yer...
bobey02: ni sape ek?
bobey02: dak KPMIM batch sape?
asdi: ape punya member?
bobey02: tak
bobey02: ko kat ne?
asdi: member sendiri pun x kenal...
asdi: atas kete...
bobey02: ye ek
bobey02: ish
bobey02: atas kete?
bobey02: hmm
asdi: wireless
bobey02: tak paham..
asdi: ala, hotspot, broadband, mcm2 lagi la....
bobey02: ko slalu ek online?
asdi: 24 jam la jugak...
bobey02: lor
bobey02: aku nak tau ko sape je
bobey02: ish ko ni
bobey02: ko ade join autosurf tak?
bobey02 : program autosurf?
asdi: aku xminat benda2 camni...
bobey02 : menda ape?
asdi: autosurf.
bobey02 : ade join ek sblm ni
bobey02 : ko duk online 24 jam
bobey02 : baik dpt income sket
asdi: maksud ko?
bobey02 : ko tau x autosurf?
asdi: xtau.
asdi: aku xpandai sangat ternet ni...
bobey02 : hmm
bobey02 : jap aku explain
bobey02 : aku ingt ko tau
bobey02 : camni
bobey02 : ko sape ek?
asdi: xpe la kalau ko xnk xplain sbb ko xtau aku sape...
bobey02 : larr
bobey02 : aku takde hal nak xplain
bobey02 : camni
bobey02 : dlm internet ada beribu ribu atosurf program
bobey02 : tujuan asal autosurf program ni adalah untuk promote website secara percuma
bobey02 : memandang kan ko ade blog
bobey02 : atau mungkin ko ade website lain
bobey02 : ko bleh naik kan hits blog ko tu
asdi: camne?
bobey02 :
bobey02 : itu adalah salah satu website yang menjalankan autosurf program
bobey02 : ni yang terbaik dan terbukti yang ko dpt payment
asdi: 10q.
asdi: ko ade blog?
bobey02 : ko masuk link tu then ko register
bobey02 : aku takde
bobey02 : aku tak suke
bobey02 : heh heh heh
asdi: ko stud lg ke dak kije?
bobey02 : aku dah abeh blaja
bobey02 : aku KPMIM gak
bobey02 : ish ko ni
bobey02 : tu aku tnye ko tadik
asdi: ooo... abang bobey la nie...
asdi: sori, x respect td...
bobey02 : ceh
bobey02 : antu ko
bobey02 : aku baca blog ko
bobey02 : ko dlm masalah takde keje
bobey02 : kuikui
bobey02 : sian ko
asdi: abang marah aku?
asdi: aku ngah reg ni...
bobey02 : berbalik ngan stuido tu
asdi: ko tunggu jap,
asdi: takut aku xpaham...
bobey02 : ok ok
asdi: ko keje kt ne?
bobey02 : pas ko register ko kene aktivate kan akaun ko
bobey02 : aku tak keje lagi
bobey02 : aku nak smbng blaja
asdi: smbg kt ne?
bobey02 : kebiasaannye ko kene tunggu dekat 2ari nak aktivate akaun tu
bobey02 : aku nak masuk KUTPM
bobey02 : ko ade member situ?
asdi: xde lak..
asdi: KUTPM tu ipta ke ipts?
bobey02 :
bobey02 : ipts
asdi: tu add ape pulak?
bobey02 : yang link aku bg tu pulak adalah forum pasal mende tu
bobey02 : forum orang malaysia punya
asdi: ooo
bobey02 : ko dh register?
bobey02 : nak tunggu email lambat
asdi: dah. pastu nak buat ape lak?
bobey02 : ko bukak balik link aku bg memula
bobey02 : ko tekan
asdi: ok. dah.
bobey02 : ko nampak tak gmbr pompuan kat bwh tu
bobey02 : gmbr question tu?
bobey02 : ko tekan tu
bobey02 : ko minatk buat activation live
asdi: jap...
bobey02 : ko kene masukkan ko nye username email sume tu
bobey02 : ko mintk
asdi: gambar puan yg mana 1 nie?
bobey02 : Live chat by LivePerson
asdi: ok dah.
bobey02 : ko pi
bobey02 : pastu ade kat tepi bwh nak login tu
bobey02 : aku dh tau ko sape!!
bobey02 : kah kah kah kah
asdi: asam punya ko...
bobey02 : asdi!
bobey02 : ceit
bobey02 : nak menyamar lak
asdi: nates tol!
bobey02 : aku usha fotopage ko
bobey02 : kuikui
asdi: ko kenakn aku..
asdi: jangan cite kt sape tau...
bobey02 : okek
asdi: malu aku!
bobey02 : kukui
bobey02 : berbalik pad Studio td
bobey02 : ko dh buat
asdi: dia suruh aku taip question! nak taip ape?
bobey02 : please activate my account
asdi: ko xmarah ke aku join dicom room?
bobey02 : larr
bobey02 : join je la
bobey02 : apada
bobey02 : internet ni bukan aku punye
asdi: mane nk tau untuk dak dicom aje?
bobey02 : kuikui
bobey02 : aku nak cite pasal studiotraffic tu
bobey02 : camni
asdi: ok
bobey02 : bile ko dh register ko akan dpt 10USD tau
bobey02 : ko jgn pikir yang ko tak leh wire duit tu ke mesia
bobey02 : bleh
bobey02 : ko bleh claim pakai cek
bobey02 : bile ko register ko dpt 10USD
asdi: halal ke duit tu?
bobey02 : 10USD tu takleh claim
bobey02 : ko cam dibayar untuk melihat iklan
bobey02 : ko bleh invest
asdi: pastu?
bobey02 : kalau invest lagi cepat
bobey02 : aku dh invest dlm tu
asdi: cmne?
bobey02 : minimum nak invest 10USD
bobey02 : so cam dalm 40RM
bobey02 : nak invest tu aku bleh citer mendalam lagi kalau ko berminat
asdi: cite la?
bobey02 : tapi kalau takmo invest ko kene tunggu lame
bobey02 : sbb setiap hari ko hanye dpt 10Cent USD
asdi: aku nk cara cpt!
bobey02 : cara cepat kene invest
bobey02 : kene kuar duit la maksud aku
asdi: bape?
bobey02 : kpaling kecik RM40 = 10USD
bobey02 : walaupun duit RM dah di apungkan skang ni
bobey02 : tapi rate die same
asdi: xde duit la aku...
bobey02 : hmm
asdi: aku mane ade keje lagi...
bobey02 : ok ok
bobey02 : tau
bobey02 : aku dh bace ko nye blgo
bobey02 : blog
bobey02 : kuikui
bobey02 : kalau takde takpe la
asdi: malunyer aku...
asdi: sape lagi ade blog?
bobey02 : aku tak sure la asdi
bobey02 : ko jalan kan yang lambat tu dulu
bobey02 : at least sehari ko dpt 10cent tu
asdi: orait la tu.
bobey02 : kuikui
bobey02 : ko dh activate kan ek?
asdi: dah kot. aku pun xtau.
bobey02 : ko dh ckp ngan orng tu?
bobey02 : live chat tu?
bobey02 : ko siap ade aku nye fotopage nye link
asdi: dapat.
bobey02 : sempoi2
bobey02 : kuikui
bobey02 : die ckp ape?
bobey02 : suh tunggu ek?
asdi: saje je..
asdi: nanti aku + lagi...
asdi: aku bukannya rajin nk coding2 nie...
bobey02 : ko mintak orang tu aktivate akaun ko
asdi: leceh.
bobey02 : kuikui
bobey02 : betui2
asdi: ape email ko? yg ko betul2 guna skrg?
bobey02 :
bobey02 : sdi
bobey02 : asdi
bobey02 : silap
bobey02 : aku nak kene off la di
asdi: nape?
bobey02 : mak aku ajak pi kedai!!
asdi: ok. no hal.
bobey02 : ko ade tak malam kang?
bobey02 : nanti sambung
asdi: lewat skit kot.
asdi: no YM aku kalau YM aku i'm on sms.
bobey02 : ok ok
bobey02 : nanti aku msg ko
bobey02 : ko mintak orang tu activate akaun ko dulu
bobey02 : fotopage bdk kolej sape lagi ko ade?
asdi: fotopages farah ngan lizoss.
bobey02 : dak HND ek?
bobey02 : ok ok
asdi: ok
bobey02 : selamat!
bobey02 : mak aku dh bisink!
bobey02 : ciao!
asdi: ok.
asdi: bye
asdi: yup!
bobey02 : ok la
bobey02 : ciao!
bobey02 : assalamualaikum
asdi: w'lam.

bobey02 has signed out. (7/29/2005 3:31 PM)
alhamdulillah, siap gak @ 3:38 PM   1 comments
jumaat datang lagi
selamat berhari jumaat… hahaha…
jumaat yang memberi cahaya yang berbeza…
aku dah xmahu lagi mencari kerja.
mulai hari nie, aku nak cari kabel pulak,
orang kata, ada kabel senang dapat kerja…
orang yang kata, tapi aku dah xboleh berkata2 lagi..
alhamdulillah, siap gak @ 2:45 PM   0 comments
masa depan
hidup ini boring sangat, dah tak tahu ape nak buat, nasib baik minyak moto ade lagi, aku pun membawalah diri ini pergi menenangkan fikiran. dah tiada apa yang menarik kt alor star tu, semua sama saja… penuh dengan debu2 hipokrit.
gf telefon, tanya perkembangan aku. jawapan tetap sama. tak keje lagi, gf mengeluh. aku. tahu apa benda yang bermain di fikiran dia. masa depan aku.
mana ada orang yang tak fikir masa depan? aku pun fikir jugak. tapi…
alhamdulillah, siap gak @ 12:26 AM   0 comments
Thursday, July 28, 2005
argh… ari nie biasa saja… tiada apa yang menarik… bangun pagi pun dah dekat pukul 1, malam tadi aku susah sungguh untuk lelapkan mata… sampai aku dapat dengarlah ayam berkokok, tapi mata aku masih xnak stim lagi. macam ada sesatu yang menongkat mata aku…
aku mula mempersoalkan diri aku ini. sudah setahun aku menganggur… apakah kerna aku ini tidak bernasib baik? atau aku tersalah ambik corse? argh… itu semuanya karut…

kucing, ko dah dapat keje ke?
alhamdulillah, siap gak @ 5:11 PM   0 comments
macy’s day parade
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Today’s the Macy’s Day Parade. The night of the living dead is on its way. With a credit report for duty callIt’s a lifetime guarantee. Stuffed in a coffin “10% more free”. Red light special at the mausoleum.
Give me something that I need. Satisfaction guaranteed to you. What’s the consolation prize? Economy sized dreams of hope.
When I was a kid I thought. I wanted all the things that I haven’t got. Oh, I learned the hardest way. Then I realized what it took. To tell the difference between. Thieves and crooks. When all along it was me and you.
Give me something that I need. Satisfaction guaranteed. Because I’m thinking abouta brand new hope. The one I’ve never known‘cause now I knowits all that I wanted.
What’s the consolation prize? Economy sized dreams of hope. Give me something that I need. Satisfaction guaranteed. Because I’m thinking about.a brand new hope. The one I’ve never known. And where it goes. And I’m thinking about. The only road. The one I’ve never known. And where it goes.
Because I’m thinking abouta brand new hope. The one I’ve never known ‘cause now I know its all that I wanted.
alhamdulillah, siap gak @ 5:10 PM   0 comments
love is only a feeling
Oh the first flush of youth was upon you when our eyes first met. And I knew that to you and into your life I had to get. I felt light-headed at the touch of this stranger's hand. An assault my defenses systematically failed to withstand. Cuz you came at a time. When the pursuit of one true love in which to fall. Was the be-all and end-all. Love is only a feeling. Drifting away. When I'm in your arms I start believing. It's here to stay. But love is only a feeling. Anyway. The state of elation that this unison of hearts achieved. I had seen, I had touched, I had tasted and I truly believed. That the light of my life. Would tear a hole right through each cloud that scudded by. Just to beam on you and I.
alhamdulillah, siap gak @ 1:24 AM   0 comments
i cry
Monday, July 18, 2005
You said goodbye, I fell apart, I fell from all we had. To I never knew. I needed you so bad. You need to let things go I know, you told me so. I've been through hell. To break the spell. Why did I ever let you slip away. Can't stand another day without you. Without the feeling. I once knew. I cry silently, I cry inside of me, I cry hopelessly. Cause I know I'll never breathe your love again. I cry. Cause you're not here with me. I cry Cause I'm lonely as can be, I cry hopelessly Cause I know I'll never breathe your love again. If you could see me now, You would know just how, How hard I try. Not to wonder why I wish. I could believe in something new. Oh please somebody tell me it's not true (oh girl) I'll never be over you. If I could have you back tomorrow. If I could lose the pain and sorrow. I would do just anything. To make you see You still love me.
alhamdulillah, siap gak @ 10:39 AM   0 comments
I never could`ve seen this far
Sunday, July 10, 2005
I never could`ve seen this coming
It seems like my world`s falling apart, Yeah
Why is everything so hard
I don`t think that I can deal with the things you said
It just won`t go away

I used to think that I was strong
Until the day it all went wrong
I think I need a miracle to make it through, Yeah
I wish that I could bring you back
I wish that I could turn back time
Cuz I can`t let go
I just can`t find my way, Yeah
Without you I just can`t find my way

I don`t know what I should do now
I don`t know where I should go
I`m still here waiting for you
I`m lost when you`re not around
I need to hold on to you
I just can`t let you go
alhamdulillah, siap gak @ 12:49 AM   0 comments
About Me

Name: asd
Home: mesia
About Me: Dilahirkan pada hari isnin 18 Raby` al-awal 1403 bersamaan Jan03, 83 setelah percantuman dua benih didalam rahim seorang insan yang bergelar ibu.

See my complete profile
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